ČÁBELKOVÁ, I., KOHOUTEK, J. Usti region: Learning Hard about Industry Modernisation. In: Benneworth, P. (ed.) Universities and Regional Economic Development: Engaging with the Periphery. London/New York: Routledge. 2018. pp. 124–140.
KOHOUTEK, J., ŠIMA, K. Multiple Streams Running Dry: Third-Mission Policies at a Czech Research University. In: Pinheiro, R., Young, M., Šima, K. (eds.) Higher Education and Regional Development: Tales from Northern and Central Europe. Palgrave Macmillan. 2018. pp. 135–166.
PINHEIRO R., ŠIMA K., YOUNG M., KOHOUTEK J. University Complexity and Regional Development in the Periphery. In: Pinheiro, R., Young, M., Šima, K. (eds.) Higher Education and Regional Development: Tales from Northern and Central Europe. Palgrave Macmillan. 2018. pp. 1–20.
PRUDKÝ, L., ŠMÍDOVÁ, M. Vysocina Region: From a Remote Rural Region Straight into the Virtual World. In: Benneworth, P. (ed.) Universities and Regional Economic Development: Engaging with the Periphery. London/New York: Routledge. 2018. pp. 92–109.
ŠEBKOVÁ, H., ČÁBELKOVÁ, I., ROSKOVEC, V. Geography Versus University Functions-Regionally Based Networks: The Case of the Ústí Region. In: Pinheiro, R., Young, M., Šima, K. (eds.) Higher Education and Regional Development: Tales from Northern and Central Europe. Palgrave Macmillan. 2018. pp. 21–51.
ŠMÍDOVÁ, M., ČÁBELKOVÁ, I. Graduate Paradox at Jihlava: The Perspective of Stakeholders. In: Pinheiro, R., Young, M., Šima, K. (eds.) Higher Education and Regional Development: Tales from Northern and Central Europe. Palgrave Macmillan. 2018. pp. 79–110.
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BESEDA, J., ŠMÍDOVÁ, M., VEJVODA, M. From media didactics to media education: The case of the Czech Republic. In: Developing media literacy in public education: A regional priority in a mediatized age. Budapest: Corvinus University of Budapest, 2016, pp.72–82.
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KOHOUTEK, J., WESTERHEIJDEN, D. F. Opening Up the Black Box. In: Eggins, H. Drivers and barriers to achieving quality in higher education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. 2014. pp. 167–175.
KOHOUTEK, J., WESTERHEIJDEN, D. F. Implementation and translation: From European standards and guidelines for quality assurance to education quality work in higher education institutions. In: Eggins H. (ed) Drivers and Barriers to Achieving Quality in Higher Education.Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. 2014. pp.1–12.
ŠEBKOVÁ, H. A KOL. Global Forms and Local Forces: PhD Enrollments and Graduations in Australia, Canada, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In: Nerad, M. Globalization and its impacts on the quality of PhD education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2014. pp. 110–126.
ŠEBKOVÁ, H., ROSKOVEC, V., BENEŠ, J. The Czech case: Students, Governance and the Interface with Secondary Education. In: Eggins H. (ed) Drivers and Barriers to Achieving Quality in Higher Education, Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.2014. pp.127–142.
ŠEBKOVÁ, H., J. KOHOUTEK. Enhancing the Quality of Higher Education in the Czech Republic Past, Present and Future Challenges. In: Land, R., George, G. Enhancing Quality in Higher Education: International Perspectives, London: Routledge, 2013, pp. 153–164.
ŠEBKOVÁ, H. Czech Republic: High Estimation for Academic Profession.In Altbach, Ph. G. et al. (eds.). Paying the Professoriate. New York. Routlege/Taylor&Francis, 2012. pp. 114–124.
PRUDKÝ, L. A New Concept for the Empirical Sociological Study of Values. In: PRUDKÝ, L.(Ed. ) Values, Stratification, Transformation. Plzeň: Aleš Čeněk. 2012. pp. 81–93.
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ŠMÍDOVÁ, M. How to Interpret Hedonism. In: PRUDKÝ, L. (Ed.) Values, Stratification, Transformation. Plzeň. Aleš Čeněk. 2012, pp. 105–124.
ŠIMA, K. Stýkání a potýkání vědní a vysokoškolské politiky po roce 1989. In: Šima, K. (ed.), Vztah výzkumu a výuky ve věku masifikace vysokého školství (The meeting and clashing of science and university politics after 1989). Praha: Národohospodářský ústav Josefa Hlávky, 2012. p. 20. (In Czech)
PRUDKÝ, L. Dobré hodnoty jako základ sociální práce v současné společnosti (Good values as a basis for social work in contemporary society). In: Bednář, M., Synková, J. (eds.) Spravedlnost a služba (Justice and service). Olomouc. Caritas 2011, pp. 26–36. (In Czech)
PRUDKÝ, L. Kvalita a udržitelnost života a otevřená společnost: dvě stránky téže mince (Quality and sustainability of life and open society: two sides of the same coin). In: Dušek, J., Gregor, J. a kol. Udržitelný rozvoj v podmínkách ekonomické krize (ustainable development in a context of economic crisis). České Budějovice. VŠERS, 2011. pp. 190–199. (In Czech)
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KOHOUTEK, J. Implementation Analysis in Higher Education with Regard to the European Standards and Guidelines: Beyond Heuristics. In: Kohoutek, J. (Ed.). Implementation of Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education of Central and East-European Countries – Agenda Ahead. Bucharest: UNESCO-CEPES, 2009. pp. 51–92.
KOHOUTEK, J. Quality Assurance in Higher Education: A Contentious yet Intriguing Policy Issue. In: Kohoutek, J. (Ed.). Implementation of Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education of Central and East-European Countries – Agenda Ahead. Bucharest: UNESCO-CEPES, 2009. pp. 21–50.
KOHOUTEK, J. Setting the Stage: Quality Assurance, Policy Change, and Implementation. In: Kohoutek, J. (Ed.). Implementation of Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education of Central and East-European Countries – Agenda Ahead. Bucharest: UNESCO-CEPES, 2009. pp. 11–19.
KOHOUTEK, J., PASÁČKOVÁ, E., RENDLOVÁ, H. Developing Higher Education Quality Assurance in Central and Eastern Europe: Practising the Science of Muddling Through. In: Kohoutek, J. (Ed.). Implementation of Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education of Central and East-European Countries – Agenda Ahead. Bucharest: UNESCO-CEPES, 2009. pp. 277–291.
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PABIAN, P. Europeanisation of higher education in the Czech Republic. In: Amaral, A., Neave, G., Musselin, C., Maassen, P. (eds.). Bologna, universities and bureaucrats. Springer, 2009.
PABIAN, P. Europeanisation of Higher Education Governance in the Post-communist Context: The Case of the Czech Republic. In: Amaral, A., Neave, G., Musselin, C., Maassen, P. (Eds.) European Integration and the Governance of Higher Education and Research. Dordrecht : Springer-Verlag, 2009. pp. 257–278.
ŠEBKOVÁ, H. The European Standards and Guidelines in Quality Assurance Mechanisms in the Czech Republic. In: Kohoutek, J. (Ed.). Implementation of Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education of Central and East-European Countries – Agenda Ahead. Bucharest: UNESCO-CEPES, 2009. pp. 201–234.
KOHOUTEK, J. Teoretické přístupy k zajišťování kvality vysokého školství (Theoretical approaches to quality assurance in higher education). In: Chvátalová, A., Kohoutek, J., Šebková, H. (Eds.): Zajišťování kvality v českém vysokém školství (Quality assurance in Czech higher education). Plzeň: Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk, 2008. pp. 8–27. (In Czech)
ŠEBKOVÁ, H., SMRČKA, J: Zajišťování kvality vysokého školství v České republice (Quality assurance of higher education in the Czech Republic). In: Chvátalová, A., Kohoutek, J., Šebková, H. (Eds.): Zajišťování kvality v českém vysokém školství (Quality assurance in Czech higher education). Plzeň: Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk, 2008. pp. 28–65. (In Czech)
KRAŤKOVÁ, D., MOTYKOVÁ, J. Statistický přehled: ženy v terciárním školství v České republice (Statistical overview: women in tertiary education in the Czech Republic). In: Linková, M. (ed.) Transformace: Gender, věda a společnost (Transformation: gender, science and society). Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, 2007, p. 8. (In Czech)
PABIAN, P., MELICHAR, M. Shifting peripheries: a state of the art report on the Czech academic profession. In Aarrevaara, T., Arimoto, A., Balbachevsky, E., Brennan, J. (eds) The Changing Conditions for Academic Work and Career in Select Countries. Kassel : INCHER, 2007. pp. 39–56.
PABIAN, P., MELICHAR, M., ŠEBKOVÁ, H. Country study Czech Republic. In Strehl, F., Resinger, S., Kalatschan, M. (eds.). Funding systems and their effects on higher education systems. Paris: OECD education working papers, 2007. vol. 6, pp. 76–79.
ŠEBKOVÁ, H., KOHOUTEK, J. Higher Education Management and Funding. In: Kalous, J., Štoček, J., Veselý, A. (Eds.) Educational Policy Studies in the Czech Republic. Plzeň:Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk, 2007. pp. 77–88.
ŠEBKOVÁ, H., KOHOUTEK, J. Quality and Higher Education. In: Kalous, J., Štoček, J., Veselý, A. (Eds.) Educational Policy Studies in the Czech Republic Plzeň: Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk, 2007. pp. 102–116.